

Apulian Caciocavallo is a true local excellence.

A medium-aged stretched curd cheese, exclusively and artisanally produced with cow’s milk, which is the subject of the historic Apulian cheese-making tradition. Its name refers to the practice of aging it by hanging it astride a wooden beam.

Its enveloping and irresistible flavor has a balanced intensity, making it suitable for individual consumption, paired with nuts, taralli and wine, or as a filling in meat rolls.

Caseificio lgnalat S.r.l.
Headquarter and Production Facility
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
+ 39 080 497 2478
Sales points
· Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
· Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
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