

Apulian Stracciatella cheese is a creamy speciality made in Puglia.

A fresh cheese with a milky and balanced flavor, simple but tasty, and a semi-liquid texture made of hand-frayed mozzarella pieces and fresh cream.

It can be enjoyed plain, as an ideal ingredient to accompany bruschetta, cold cuts, or to enhance other preparations such as salads, first courses and gourmet pizzas.

Caseificio lgnalat S.r.l.
Headquarter and Production Facility
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
+ 39 080 497 2478
Sales points
· Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
· Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
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70015 Noci (BA) Italia
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