
Smoked Bastoncini

Smoked Scamorza sticks are appetizing delights, ready to be enjoyed.

One of the most appreciated formats of the artisanal Apulian Scamorza, a typical semi-hard stretched curd cheese, smoked in a wood chip oven, according to a natural and traditional method.

Their unique appearance, elastic texture and delicate flavor make them perfect for a tasty and original appetizer, paired with sauces and jams.

Caseificio lgnalat S.r.l.
Headquarter and Production Facility
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
+ 39 080 497 2478
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· Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
· Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
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