

Fresh Ricotta is a low-fat and local dairy product.

An Apulian table cheese made from whey and fresh cow milk. Its traditional shape, velvety creaminess and slightly sweet taste make it unmistakable.

This fresh cheese can be eaten as a simple and balanced appetizer, but it is also used in sweet and savory recipes, thanks to its extreme versatility.

Caseificio lgnalat S.r.l.
Headquarter and Production Facility
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
+ 39 080 497 2478
Sales points
· Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
· Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
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70015 Noci (BA) Italia
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