
Lactose-free Mozzarella

Our lactose-free Mozzarella is the delactosed version of a great classic from Apulian dairy tradition.

A fresh stretched curd cheese with a pure white color, which is delactosed through a natural process of milk protein splitting, increasing its digestibility.

It is characterized by a smooth, uniform surface and an elastic texture. Its mild flavor and fresh aroma make it a delicacy perfect for pairing with first courses, main courses, side dishes and salads.

Caseificio lgnalat S.r.l.
Headquarter and Production Facility
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
+ 39 080 497 2478
Sales points
· Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
· Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
Largo Garibaldi, 12 - Noci (Ba)
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 13 - Noci (Ba)
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70015 Noci (BA) Italia
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